Trapped in the nightmare world, Sebastian encounters one of Beacon's doctors, Marcelo Jimenez, who is searching for his patient, Leslie Withers. Freeing himself from the wreckage, Sebastian wanders through unnatural forests and abandoned buildings full of monstrous creatures, and witnesses the apparition of a disfigured man in a white hood. Upon reuniting with his colleagues, they attempt to escape via ambulance while Krimson City is destroyed and rearranged by Ruvik's will, eventually causing them to crash. Sebastian then awakes in the basement of the Hospital, and is forced to flee from a monstrous man wielding a chainsaw. They are then brutally killed by a disfigured, supernatural, hooded man, who then appears behind Sebastian and attacks him, knocking him unconscious. After finding a sole survivor, Sebastian witnesses through the hospital CCTV, fellow K.C.P.D officers running from and firing upon an unseen force. Having arrived, they find a massacre has taken place inside the hospital, with the place now seemingly deserted. Detective Sebastian Castellanos and his partners - Joseph Oda and Juli Kidman arrive at a crime scene located at the Beacon Memorial Hospital.